HEALTH TIPS: Here Are 10 Diseases That Can Be Cured By M@KING L0VE Every Day, No. 6 Will Surprise You!
3. Antidepressant.
Improves self-esteem as it is a truly effective antidepressant.
4. Insomnia.
When you are in a state of relaxation to the maximum, tensions are released and sleep is favored.
5. Ur!nary Incontinence.
Also, having int!m@cy with normal, helps to combat ur!nary incontinence, as it strengthens the p3lvis and prevents hated ur!ne leakage.
6. Influenza.
Believe it or not, it also works for the flu, so if you have flu, it is better to m@ke l0ve, being a great natural remedy. This is because antibody production is discharged during pleasure, and because of this it becomes a potent antiviral.
7. Muscle Overload.
If you want a perfect relaxing, having int!m@cy is the solution, since it is the best exercise to combat muscle and joint overloads.